Pension published on 13.11.2024
Preparing for retirement: attractive saving options for Luxembourg residents and cross-border workers
Blog/Preparing for retirement: attractive saving options for Luxembourg residents and cross-border workers

Retirement is a crucial stage in life, and it is vital to prepare for it properly. In Luxembourg, the retirement system rests on three pillars. The third pillar enables individuals to strengthen their savings in a way that is flexible and adapted to their needs, while benefiting from immediate tax relief thanks to retirement savings plans. This type of insurance is particularly interesting for those who wish to optimise their financial situation in the long term.

  • easyLIFE Pension


    How an individual pension savings solution works

    When choosing a solution, such as easyLIFE Pension, you can start saving immediately, with affordable contributions, from €25 per month, and adapt the amount of the premiums according to your needs at any time. There are two formulas available to you:

    • Security: Guaranteed capital with profit-sharing from the third year onwards.
    • Performance: An option involving investment in funds, which allows for a potentially higher return, while accepting a certain level of risk.

    The advantages of a retirement savings plan

    With easyLIFE Pension, you can benefit from a whole range of advantages:

    • Attractive tax deductions:  In accordance with Article 111bis L.I.R., you can deduct up to €3,200 per person each year. Depending on your income, this deduction can help you to save up to 45% of the premium amount invested. In other words, a substantial advantage for strengthening your financial security while at the same time reducing your tax burden.
    • Your savings available in different forms: When you reach retirement age, you can choose to claim your savings in the form of capital, a monthly annuity, or a combination of the two.
    • Protection for your loved ones:  In the event of your death, your savings will pass directly to your beneficiaries, ensuring their financial security.
    • Accessibility for cross-border workers:  This solution is also available to cross-border workers, enabling them to benefit from the Luxembourg tax conditions.

    Here’s a crucial tip: start planning your retirement as soon as possible.

    With this proactive preparation, you are choosing peace of mind, while benefiting from a real tax advantage. Start exploring saving options now, that will enable you, not only to build a calm and stable future, but also to benefit from tax deductions that will reduce the amount of income tax you have to pay. To prepare properly for your retirement, take the initiative and start planning today, with easyLIFE Pension.

    Don’t hesitate to contact a LALUX insurance agent. They’ll be happy to help.

    easyLIFE Pension
