Home & Living published on 11.03.2024
Protecting your home: tips to follow
Blog/Protecting your home: tips to follow

The importance of choosing the right home insurance based on assessing your coverage needs, carefully selecting cover and comparing prices and services, while highlighting the crucial role of your insurance agent.

  • Home insurance is an essential part of protecting your home against unexpected risks. Whether you own or rent, choosing the right insurance can make all the difference in the event of a claim. Discover useful tips to help you make the best home insurance decision.

    Assess your coverage needs

    Before choosing home insurance, take the time to carefully assess your specific needs. The first crucial question to consider is whether you are a homeowner or a tenant.

    • For tenants, home insurance is often required by building owners. It protects you in the event of damage to the building for which you may be held responsible, and for which your landlord may have recourse against you. This home insurance also covers all your belongings.
    • For owners, the insurance must cover not only the movable property, but also the building itself and its fixtures and fittings.
    • For non-occupying owners, it is also recommended to take out insurance for rental properties. Bear in mind that some risks are borne by the owner, and not by the tenant: find out all you need to know in advance and get advice from your agent!

    Whatever your situation, you will then need to properly assess the value of your goods and particular equipment. This determines the sum insured in your contract and serves as the basis for calculating your compensation in the event of a claim. An assessment that is too low may therefore limit the amount of your compensation.

    Choose your guarantees wisely

    After this initial analysis, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what guarantees are needed. However, by asking yourself a few questions, you will find it easier to make your choices.

    • Is theft coverage a priority?
    • Are you planning to insure your smartphone and multimedia devices? If so, would you like to get the replacement value in the event of a total loss?
    • Is it important for you to rebuild your home to current standards in the event of a loss?
    • Is the classic storm coverage enough for you? Or do you also want to be covered against sewer backups, landslides, rainwater runoff or even flooding?

    All these answers will help you to better identify your preferences when it comes to protecting your home, and guide you in choosing the formula that best meets your needs.

    With easyPROTECT Home from LALUX, you can choose between three packages

    • the Security formula, which includes the essentials (fire, water damage, glass breakage, bad weather) at a controlled fee
    • the Comfort package, à la carte if you prefer to choose only the options that are important to you
    • the Performance formula, if you want an ultra-complete formula 

    You can also add optional guarantees dedicated to your specific equipment such as green energy appliances (solar panels, electric vehicle charging station), a swimming pool, or your valuables and collections.


    Protect more than just your home

    Beyond your home and its contents, the most effective home insurances also cover your lifestyle.

    Do you prefer soft mobility? easyPROTECT Home supports you in your sustainable lifestyle choices by allowing you to include the protection of your electric or non-electric bikes and scooters against theft and property damage, as well as covering injuries that may result from their use.

    Travel can also be included. If you travel a lot, this dedicated guarantee is a must. By integrating it into your home insurance, you no longer need to think about it every time you book – you're protected all year round! All you have to do is choose the scope of coverage you want: cancellation, assistance and/or luggage.

    Finally, civil liability coverage is highly recommended. It covers you, your family, and your pets against any harm you may cause to others, leaving you free to pursue your projects without having to worry… 

    Don’t forget the assistance services offered in your home insurance

    In the event of a claim or accident, it's always good to know that you can count on your insurer. Thanks to Home Assistance, the 24/7 assistance service, you benefit from the rapid intervention of a specialised tradesperson (locksmith, plumber, heating technician or electrician); moreover, the supply of the spare parts needed for the repair is included. In the event of a covered loss, Home Assistance intervenes and organises the care of your children or pets, as well as the guarding of your home, and even takes care of your mortgage if your damaged home has become uninhabitable. Help like this is always welcome...

    Compare prices and, above all, the guarantees offered

    Un devis d’assurance habitation avec un tarif imbattable doit toujours faire l’objet d’une attention particulière. Êtes-vous véritablement bien assurés ? Êtes-vous bien couverts en cas le vol ? Avez-vous une garantie contre toutes les catastrophes naturelles, y compris les inondations ? Avez-vous bien vérifié qu’aucune franchise ne sera appliquée en cas de sinistre ? Ne laissez aucun détail au hasard et assurez-vous d'être parfaitement protégés. Ainsi, l’esprit libre, rien ne pourra désormais vous arrêter !

    Your agent is always by your side

    Finally, take advantage of the support of an agent! The agent is an expert in their field and knows all the products inside out. They will advise you on which insurance to choose, according to your needs and circumstances. In the event of a claim, they will be there to assist you with the steps needing to be taken and will help you to find the initial concrete solutions.
    If you would like to be contacted by a LALUX agent, do not hesitate to request a quote for easyPROTECT Home online.

    easyPROTECT Home
