Protect your precious items with the Valuable Items Pack
Valuable Items Pack
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Valuable Items Pack

You own a dream watch or have you inherited a piece of art? The Valuable Items Pack, optional in your home insurance, is specifically designed to insure your valuables against damage and theft.


Accidental material damage covered

Did your watch fall off and break ? This guarantee covers all damage caused by breakage, dropping or accidental loss.

Coverage in case of theft or assault

This pack insures your valuables in the event of theft, attempted theft or even assault. In addition, your possessions are covered not only at your home but also anywhere in the world, giving you a wide-range protection.


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The Valuable Items Pack covers a range of valuable items whose unit value exceeds certain specific thresholds. The items included are:

- Luxury items: handbags, belts, shoes, etc., from €1,500
- Jewelry, watches: from €1,500
- Paintings, statues and carpets: from €2,000
- Furniture: from €10,000
- Collections: from €10,000
- Musical instruments: from €2,000

Personal effects and valuables with an unit value of less than €1,500 are already covered by the easyPROTECT Home performance formula. However, it is essential to include these valuables in the overall evaluation of your furniture. 
To ensure an adequate cover that correctly reflects the total value of your possessions, remember to regularly reassess the sum insured with your agent.