Complaint management policy
The current policy describes the processing and handling of complaints submitted to LALUX or LALUX-VIE. All complaints are analyzed by a responsible for the processing of complaints in order to ensure that an appropriate and satisfying solution is offered within a short timeframe. To facilitate and optimize the internal complaint-handling process, every complaint is recorded into our complaints management software.
Before submitting a complaint we recommend, whenever possible, to get in touch with your LALUX insurance agent. If this step does not solve your problem and you wish to submit an official complaint, we kindly ask you to use one of the means described under “Submitting a complaint”.
A complaint is a statement of dissatisfaction expressed by a complainant towards LALUX and which is related to an insurance contract or service provided by LALUX.
A complainant is a person entitled to have a complaint considered by LALUX: policyholder, insured person, beneficiary,…
Concerning complaints which emanate from an insured person’s authorized representatives, family members or legal counsels, the staff member in charge of the complaint will decide whether LALUX processes the complaint or not, and if the processing is possible without breaching professional secrecy.
Submitting a complaint
Different means may be used to submit a complaint :
- Complaints form (accessible on the website of LALUX):
We kindly ask you to fill in the date of the incident (date on which the event that has given rise to your complaint occurred), to choose the addressee (LALUX or LALUX-VIE), to provide the nature of your complaint (domain concerned), as well as to describe your problem under “Your comment”, in order to ensure the processing of your complaint in the best possible way.
If you want LALUX to get in touch with you concerning your complaint, it is important to indicate an address, email address or phone number. All of the provided identifying data or personal information will be processed in strict confidentiality.
- Other means :
By mail to the head office of LALUX :
LA LUXEMBOURGEOISE Société Anonyme d’Assurances
9, rue Jean Fischbach
By email (address : or fax (number : (+352) 4761-300).
If you prefer to submit an oral complaint, please contact your LALUX insurance agent, call one of our customer contacts (+352) 4761-1 or inform one of our employees at the counter desk – your complaint will then be transferred to a responsible for the processing of complaints.
Communication of a suggested solution
If your complaint can be solved right away, the suggested solution will be communicated within 8 days after submitting the complaint (it is important to provide a valid phone number, address or email address in order to get in touch with you).
LALUX will inform you, through a reception notice or any other appropriate medium, if your complaint cannot be solved within 8 days. In this case the suggested solution will be communicated within a timeframe of 30 days after the notification.
If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been handled by LALUX, we invite you to get in touch with LALUX to find an alternative solution. If you still have not been provided a satisfying solution, you can contact one of the following official bodies, without prejudice to the right to take legal proceedings:
- Association des Compagnies d’Assurances et de Réassurances (ACA) :
12, rue Erasme
L-1468 Luxembourg
B.P. 448
L-2014 Luxembourg
- Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA) :
11, rue Robert Stumper
L - 2557 Luxembourg
- Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs (ULC) :
55, rue des Bruyères
L-1274 Howald