Home & Living,Families published on 24.04.2024
Your child's protection cannot wait!
Blog/Your child's protection cannot wait!

Discover the various insurance solutions available to guarantee the safety and well-being of your children. From financial provision to health and leisure protection, every crucial aspect of their lives is taken into account.

  • Insurance options for children


    What aspects are to consider when you want to best insure your child? Every parent has asked themselves this question at least once. It must be answered accurately to be able to deal with all eventualities. At a time when we are overwhelmed by information and advertisements, it is sometimes difficult to see clearly and identify all the offers on the market. So, let's have a look at the different solutions offered by LALUX Assurances that meet the needs of each parent.

    Preparing their future

    LALUX life insurances are dedicated to your child’s future and combine foresight and security to guarantee their future in all circumstances. You can thus provide them with a financial envelope at a specific time in their life. This capital will be paid out at the time you define and will allow them to pursue their studies or to simply settle into life.


    Protect their health

    DKV Luxembourg, member of the LALUX Group, provides the best support for your child's health. To compensate for reimbursements that are often only partially or not at all covered by the CNS, it is important to take out complementary health insurance providing for the highest reimbursements.

    EASY HEALTH covers for example first class hospitalization costs, allows you to freely choose the doctor or specialists and covers the costs of alternative care. Benefit from the best medical care today and tomorrow.

    Good to know: the younger one subscribes, the lower the annual premium. And with the aging provision, this advantageous rate will be maintained for life.

    Cover up any potential mischief

    Although not mandatory in Luxembourg, Family Civil Liabilityis strongly recommended and taken out by most residents. It protects you against the financial consequences of property damage and/or bodily injury involuntarily caused to others, by you or your children. If you’ve already taken out Family Civil Liability, your children are automatically covered – you have nothing to do. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to report the arrival of your baby to your insurance agent.

    Insuring your child's leisure time

    Protecting your child's moments of pleasure is essential. As they grow up, they develop new passions: learning to play the guitar, playing tennis with their own racket, buying the latest games console with their carefully saved pocket money. This equipment, along with their smartphone and mountain bike, is certainly of considerable value, both to them and to you. However, they are also exposed to the hazards of everyday life: breakage, theft, accidental loss, damage, etc. With the specific easyPROTECT Home packages, you can protect yourself against the high cost of repairs or, in the event of irreparability, replacement. Give yourself and your child the peace of mind they need to explore their passions without worry.

    What about accidents?

    An accident is one of the everyday risks that anyone can face, and which often leads to financial constraints: disability, rehabilitation program, loss of income, etc. 

    easyPROTECT Accident covers these everyday misfortunes that can profoundly change your life and that of your loved ones: during your usual activities such as DIY or housework, your hobbies, holidays or sports and even your professional activities if you want to.

    Plan for their years of study

    Your children are growing up and soon they’ll leave home to study abroad. To plan this new challenge well and thus avoid unpleasant surprises, LALUX offers easyPROTECT Discover, an insurance package specifically designed for students and apprentices under the age of 27 who are studying anywhere in Europe. The basic coverage includes private civil liability, as well as protection of the accommodation against the most common risks. Optional protections such as computer equipment or medical coverage can easily be added to the contract.

    You will have understood by now: it is essential to anticipate. So don't wait any longer to plan for your child's future and protect them in all circumstances. LALUX Assurances supports you in each of these key moments and in the choice to best insure your child.

    Insurance options for children
