Professionals/Pension companies/Change of employer

Change of employer

The Registered Occupational Pension Scheme (RCPA)

When you leave your employer before retirement age, it is often not possible to directly recover the savings accumulated in the employer's occupational pension scheme or to transfer them to the occupational pension scheme of your new employer.


What to do? Transferring the savings to the RCPA of La Luxembourgeoise-Vie

The RCPA is an individual insurance contract in which you can gather all the amounts saved during your career with your various employers. However, it does not allow you to make additional personal payments.


A tax-free complement to the legal retirement pension...

The amount of the benefit paid at retirement age is free of income tax in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Only the contribution for the financing of the nursing care insurance (current rate of 1.4%) is deducted from the amount of the benefit paid to you.


... and in case of death

If you die before retirement age, the amount provided for in the event of death will be paid to the beneficiary(ies) you have designated.


A personal policy

The RCPA is a personal contract. You communicate directly with La Luxembourgeoise-Vie without having to go through your former employer. Similarly, if you wish to transfer your acquired rights to the occupational pension scheme of a new employer, you no longer need to obtain the agreement of your former employer.


A secure contract

The RCPA is a contract that is authorized by the Inspection Générale de la Sécurité Sociale and subject to the amended law of June 8, 1999 on Occupational Pension Schemes.