Car insurance can sometimes seem complex. However, it's there to protect you both on and off the road. Whether you're an experienced driver, you’ve just got your licence or you’ll soon start driving on Luxembourg roads, here’s a clear and concise guide to everything you need to know about car insurance.
1. Civil liability: essential insurance
There’s no escaping it: Civil Liability is the cornerstone of all car insurance. It is compulsory in Luxembourg and protects third parties against bodily injury and material damage that you could cause them. This includes pedestrians, passengers and drivers of other vehicles, as well as their belongings (vehicles, street furniture, road signs, etc).
For example, what happens if you have a minor accident and damage someone else’s car? No need to panic, civil liability is there to pay for the repairs to the vehicle concerned. However, do be careful because this essential cover does not include injuries to you or damage to your vehicle. That’s why many people opt for extra guarantees.
2. So what about the damage to your vehicle?
Your car is important. It goes everywhere with you: on all your daily journeys and weekend getaways. Protect it from the unexpected with the right cover:
- Fire: covers damage caused by fire, whether accidental, such as a short-circuit in your vehicle, or arson.
- Glass breakage: has a stone hit your windscreen? Repair or replacement of glass surfaces, including mirrors and headlights, is covered.
- Theft: in the event of theft or attempted theft, you will receive compensation, including for damage to locks or car doors. Plus, even in the event of theft using electronic piracy, your insurance will protect you.
- Collision with a stray animal: this covers damage to your car if you collide with a wild or stray animal, such as a wild boar or another animal often found on country roads.
- Force of nature: hail, storms or floods? Damage linked to climate-related events is covered.
- Vehicle damage: because you’re never exempt from a road accident: Casco (all-risk) insurance covers damage to your own vehicle even if the accident is your fault.
While your vehicle is being repaired, you’ll be given a courtesy car allowing you to go about your daily life uninterrupted.
Tip: if your car is new or expensive, opt for extended protection. For an old car, more basic guarantees will be enough.
easyPROTECT Auto insurance is right for all your needs, giving you three formulas. They include: Security, Comfort and Performance alongside custom options to meet specific expectations.
Coming within all formulas, Top Assistance provides you with a breakdown assistance service, passenger assistance and a replacement car 24/7, in front of your home, in Luxembourg and abroad in all countries in the green card zone in the event of a breakdown or accident.
The Comfort formula gives you full reimbursement in the event of a covered claim, with no deductible to pay. Plus, there is no specific deductible for young drivers as long as they are listed as drivers in the contract. This guarantees total peace of mind, whatever the driver's profile.
With the Performance formula, your bonus malus is protected in the event of material damage alone: no increase in your premium following the material damage to your car.
3. And what about you as a driver?
We often think about the vehicle but what about the driver? If you get injured in an accident where you are responsible, driver protection could make all the difference.
It covers:
- Medical or hospital fees
- Compensation in the event of disability
- A lump sum for your family in the event of your death
Good to know: this guarantee is not automatically included in all the formulas. Take the time to talk to your agent who will provide you with a comprehensive service!
In short: drive with cover, drive with peace of mind.
Car insurance is more than just a legal obligation: it's a safety net for you, your family and everyone you meet on the road. By making good choices, you can face unexpected scenarios with complete reassurance. So are you ready to fill up on peace of mind?